
London-Based, Fine Art Student: Observing is an Occupation emmaeday.tumblr.com emmaeday@hotmail.co.uk

Tag: Nature

The Mountains Have Been Reached

Open road.
Back in the car.
Back to freedom.

I made it to the mountains.
I spent three months trying to get there.

Finally I made it.

Take me back to the mountains.

They taunt me even more now I know what is over there.
Just fourty minutes away.
Just over there.

Weather Observations

The summer crept unexpectedly upon her. She was not ready, yet it was here. Sometimes the weather does not deliver even when the sun is out.

The rain is back.
The fog is back.

The mountains
are lost

Snow in Spring

As we all covered
our noses from
the heavy
snowfall of

The first time I walked
through it I had
to blow my nose
This time I
hope I am safe.

An exchange of smile
as I notice others
I await my entry into
the snow.

A Visitor

This morning I just got a message from my friend when something flew in the door from outside. A huge black flying beast. I ran for it. It was a massive hornet, I was sure. Once i reached my bedroom I decided to google ‘hornets’, perhaps an error. It wasn’t the right match, so I clicked on ‘giant hornet’ and soon dismissed my clear plan to research as I found a match, slight regretting this decision I messaged my family to release my fear. Then I returned to shut the door where I could still hear a buzzing noise. The hornet was coming in closer. I retook my position in the bedroom. Five or so minutes later I returned and the hornet could not be seen or heard. I crept inside, similar to how you would imagine a burglar. I left and reentered the room once more and then thought it was safe to take my seat again.
I hoped he was gone. I close the outside door in hope he wouldn’t return. I will keep you posted.

Observing Nature

my eyes
and sucks

There is no
Lost amongst
the waves.

The mountain ranges
stand so perfect.

They stand to
attention as
the waves flow
to the sea.

Freedom found in a notebook.


The biggest drops
of rain in Avignon.
I didn’t bring a raincoat or an umbrella.
Or a hood.
And it has gone.

Train Views

He sleeps. He covers his face, so
no light can come through.
Daylight is lost. The mountains
are lost. The fields. The
trees are lost. Nothing to be seen.
The beautiful surrounding
area lost.
Not to me.
I can’t stop.
My eyes flicker from place to place,
from the left window to the right.
The mountains are in sight.
The mountains are getting closer.

Finding A Seat

Restless. I can’t sit still or choose a seat on the train, but I have finally been successful. Perhaps I look slightly strange to the other passengers, especially since when getting on the train I was desperate for the toilet which led me to walk the whole length of the train before even finding a seat. I think I hopped about five seats, the last I tried, by the window, had an extremely hot heater next to it.

Now I have found a place to sit, to look and write. The mountains and trees surround the train. The small town that I currently live inhabit is nice, but too small. The countryside surrounding it, and the mountains, are beautiful, yet by foot it takes a while to get somewhere. Therefore I find myself on this train, traveling south, at the dismay of my bank account.

Sometimes I wonder how others on the train can read when the views on the train are like this.

Watching Nature

It stood there majestically.

It stands there.
Majestic in all it’s

I wished to be there
but for that moment it
was okay to just watch
it. Look at it. That was
enough when I wasn’t
able to get there.

Hope in Nature

The moon light emerges from the other side of the church, becoming brighter with every second. ‘How can I complain about where I am living?’ She thought to herself.

There it is in all it’s glory. It is appearing. Golden. Soon the face will be in sight. At least a hope is present that it will.

She was left somewhat disappointed as it appeared as a whole, yet it sat disguised by the clouds. It appeared bigger than it should through the multiple layers of cloud.

It is still impressive despite it being somewhat lost.

Patience was all that was needed as a few moments later the perfect circle appeared, only a light haze sat between the eye and moon.

The face was visible through the haze for a few moments and then it went again.

Time to head back indoors away from the chill of the night.